essential oils.

I want to first of all apologize to anyone who has been missing my blog 😉

We had 2 different grandparent visits and then a bout with double ear infections and then a runny nose from you know where.

Dealing with the sickies and germs that have been floating around has led me to the topic of essential oils. Now, before I go any further, I don’t consider myself a “crunchy mom” but I do have some crunchy tendencies. Essential oils being one of them.

A year ago, I asked my husband for a kit of essential oils for Christmas. I was/am apart of this amazing group of women on facebook and I kept seeing posts or questions about these miraculous oils. I decided to do some research. I found two companies that were most reputable among the oily community, so I thought why not? I’m not going to get into the logistics of company versus company because chances are, if you’ve ever looked at essential oils, you know which ones I’m talking about.

You can make that decision for yourself.

Growing up I had never heard about essential oils. I had absolutely no idea what they were when I asked for them as a Christmas present, I just wanted to try something new and more natural for my family.

Essential oils are not some fancy new trend (like I thought)-they’ve been around for thousands of years dating all the way back to ancient times. They are even referenced in the bible numerous times.

I loved how simple they are. I’m able to combat most ailments with just a single drop. Headaches, sore muscles, immune boosters, sore throats, and even ingrown toenails (gross I know). When you’re using essential oils I can only recommend using a high quality therapeutic grade essential oil.

If you’re interested in learning more about them or wanting to purchase a high quality essential oil, please contact me. I’d be happy to help in any way that I can. They’re something I love and use on a daily basis and as a mom why wouldn’t I pass on something so great!