Liebster Award.

Thank you to Stacy from My Life is a Comedy Show for God for the Liebster award!

First off, What is the Liebster award? After searching google I found out that “The Liebster Award is passed around the blogging community to those who have fewer than 200 followers. This is simply a way of getting to know each other!

1. What’s one thing you do really well?

Listen. I think there are a handful of things I’m good at but I think I’m a really great listener.

2. What’s your favorite blog post you’ve written (include link)? 

    Definitely Abundant Love.

3. What is one blog post or article by another writer that has stuck with you for a long time (include link)?

    Anything Olivia writes at To The Heights, I love reading. But most recently it was her article on Mommy Wars.

4. Are you a “cat person” or a “dog person”?

   I’m allergic to cats so I think that automatically makes be a dog person. Then again, I’m allergic to most dogs too, so I’m a hypoallergenic dog person.

5. Show us your favorite internet meme or cartoon.

These are actually dish towels from Nordstrom, but they’re my favorite thing I’ve seen in a while!

6.  Do you subscribe to any publications?

   No, magazine subscriptions are too expensive for something that you read once and then throw away.

7. If your house was on fire, and you had time to grab ONE object to save (assume all other people and pets are already out safely), what would it be?

   Honestly, my phone. I know, I know. But it has every one of the pictures I’ve ever taken of my baby. Yes I should have the up in the “cloud” but I’m not going to buy extra “cloud” storage to store pictures. I might grab my external hard drive too. I did just put most of my phone pictures on there.

8. Are there any kids’ toys that you suspect you might enjoy playing with as much as/more than the kids?

Not yet. She just started coloring so it might be time to get some coloring books and I do love watching her make decisions on colors. She also loves books and I love reading them to her.

9. What kind of candy will you be handing out for Halloween?

   Miniature Kit Kats (because its what this preggo mama is craving)

10. Have you ever seen or experienced something you suspect was supernatural?


Part of this award is to award it to more bloggers.

I’m awarding this to:

Annie at This Northern Belle

Olivia at To the Heights

I really like the questions I got from Stacy so you two can go ahead and answer the same questions that I did.
God bless!

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